Adam, Mariel and Jorge... Stuck inside with Sirius | *Splish-Splash* | bamBAM | ☁ Spooktacular ☁
Adam got a smile as he mentioned his eldest. "Are they here today?" It'd be a shame to miss seeing them if they were - unless she'd already unknowingly met them, of course. She didn't think she had though. "In which case, I can't wait to try it out." She watched him almost caress the wood of the Windsweeper - not many brooms called for that sort of concern, unless a real expert. "As much as I love my current broom, I must say, it's not the best in bad conditions...especially gusty winds. The balance and usual agility go right out of the window." On taking the Windsweeper, the first thing she did was feel for the weight and balance in her hands. "Bit heavier than be expected really, given the Windsweeper's aims...and the balance is anchored a bit further back it feels'll be interesting to feel how that affects the steering and moveability in normal conditions." She addressed all of this to both men - Jorge was quite welcome to take a quote from that initial assessment if he so chose. "I wonder if it'd be possible for one of you to whip up a bit of wind for me to have a go at flying in?" Nothing too much, especially if Jorge wanted a decent photo of the chaser, but something so that she could give it a decent trial. After all, she seriously doubted it would match her current mount under good conditions, and was mainly considering it as an addition to her arsenal, rather than as a replacement.
Nia turned the broom over, and took a good look at the tail twigs. She always preferred to read the broom first, before getting on and riding it. "I see," she responded to Adam about the invisible broom, glad that it seemed to be covered. Shame she couldn't go report to Alina that it'd all gone downhill since she'd left though! "By low flying, I assume you mean in bad weather and the like...and not just to scrape over the heads of commuting Muggles in London? It might need some sort of minimum height for invisibility, to ensure the feature isn't misused."
"Indeed," Nia confirmed to Mariel as she joined the group. "Jorge here certainly has a way with words, and I'm hoping he'll do mine some justice too." Although he really didn't need to keep up with all the flattery, else NIa might start getting suspicious. For now though, she just grinned at his bestie mischievously. "He's doing....okay, I'd say," she replied jokingly, with a wink. As if she'd really find anything wrong with her bestie's fiancee. As long as Mariel was happy, then Nia was too. "Trying out the Windsweeper," Nia said with a nod, holding it up for Mariel to see. "I guessing you've already tried it...but fancy a ride with me?" It'd been FAR too long.
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