Text Cut: L-squared
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There was nothing worse than someone else being right by default. The only thing that made this easier was the fact it was Lottie advice and that was usually the easiest thing to follow. This staying inside because it was the smartest decision in the Universe business was rubbish but what choice did she have? "I'm trying." She informed the concerned bestie. "Hard to venture out when the giant double doors are sealed shut behind Merlin knows how much snowfall and the wind makes a habit of shutting the windows you open." No flying through windows either, go figure. Not that the sky was any place for a Gryffindor at a time like this.
Just as she thought, it was a powerful book. Familiar powerful. Somehow she felt like it should have been ringing more bells than it was but........the last thing Lex would remember while stir crazy was notes in a book she didn't actually read, you know?
"I dunno what the weather was like either but if it's got powerful magic in it then it might have something strong enough to make a never ending snow storm?" Surely it wasn't just some fancy wand waving that got them all stuck inside. It was still a little far fetched though. When was the last time anyone even SAW that book?--
Circe look at the size of that book Lottie was attempting to read.
Never trust a sentence that started with 'you should know', it usually came right before someone stating something you had absolutely NO idea about. Take for example Professor Botros here who was under the impression that in her state of jittery restlessness, she could still remember things taught in any lesson that didn't involve tunneling under the castle and them breaking free of this place. Thanks for the reminder though, it was much needed. "So then.....you taught us how to remove stuff and make 'em ineffective, has anyone checked if someone messed with our runes?"
Then he complimented her while saying things that required further thinking and the Gryffindor could only look to Lottie who seemed to have gotten more of what the Runes Professor was going on about.
What now? Her brain wasn't into learning today, evidently.
"Are you saying this really is magic?" Like agreeing they might be cursed forever and all eternity? "If that's the case we're gonna need to find things on counter curses for weather." Had to get rid of it somehow and Airey had hinted that they may need some help from runes and such.
And wasn't Cassia coming?
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Well, it's not exactly her fault the purpose of life was to do as much as you could do before finally dying, yeah? It's the course of nature. Some just happen to die sooner than later. Like Marion and Milton. "It's the truth, though, so please stay inside." Don't go around doing something remarkably stupid for a Gryffindor, bestie. But they'll be out of Hogwarts, don't worry. After all, Lotus had to go to California with her. She had to. Period.
The words of this particular Slytherin boy (Simon) couldn't be missed. Mainly because she thought her name was being brought up. Lotus didn't leave the doors opened this time NOR THE LAST ONE, okay?? The dementors getting inside was NOT her fault. Neither was this weather, FYI. But what he mentioned was the Book of Mysteria. Well, then, she made sure her ears will catch everything involving said book.
"It's quite a powerful book," and you read about it, no doubt, Lex, it was in their notebooks. In great detail, too. Or as much detail as there was. "I don't know what the weather was like last time it was here, though." She didn't know where the book was now, and it seemed Botros didn't either.
Moving on...
...Lotus had one of the bigger books, of course, she knew Lex wouldn't go near them.
But then...
...Well, makes sense.
She nodded at Botros as she considered this and closed the book. Hmmmm. "Magic will only attract more magic." Good, bad, wanted or not. But she said this to Lex, not exactly directed at Botros.
Oh, look at that. There was 'extreme winter weather' as the boy put it. Interesting.
Searching, yup. She was here to do that. Or you know, contribute in that. Partners, he said? Before the snake got a chance to look around to search for a partner to stick with the most familiar voice of them all called her name. She was going to miss that one, was she not?
Not needing to confirm the question, Cassia walked over and stood with the two sixth-years giving them both a wink plus smile greeting. No time for formalities. She stood her arms crossed over her chest as she listened to what Lex and Lottie were saying. Mhhm. Glad to hear they cancelled the option of going out. The seventh year nodded in approval. Surely her opinion was known on that one.
Oh, and Lex with a book, interesting look. She was just going to stand here enjoying the view.
Now that's an intereting looking book," she told Lottie. Was she gonna read it? That might take time. Mhhm. "
You know, we could check the index and see what it talks of," surely there would be no time to skim even.
Her attention then was drawn to Simon who was checking the codex. Interesting things he was saying.