SPOILER!!: sure! if I can keep Adi <3
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OH YEAH! Adi was catching up with new bud Simon. Not even that puddle had slowed him down. Could this thing go faster? He floored the gas pedal a bit more and the kart shot forward a little. Cool! LOOK OUT, SIMON! The lead was about to become the Hufflepuff's! Hehe.
But-but- what? Was someone shouting? Was it Simon? Over the roar of engines it was difficult to tell but he could definitely hear shouting. Adi squinted at Simon. Yep. The dude's mouth was moving. Why and what in the world was that all about? O_o
Without realising what he was doing, Adi slowed his cart by stepping on the brake. He could hear his name. And what was that? Mice? "MICE?" he shouted back at the Slytherin? What were mice doing there?
And Adi was almost right next to him. Simon continued to slow down a bit further but Adi kept on going faster. He scrunched his nose and furrowed his brows when Adi shouted back at him. He didn't really quite catch it over the noises that the engines were making. Wait. What had Adi said? Had his Hufflepuff mate said 'Nice?' "
NO! ICE's NOT NICE! IT'S HORRIBLE!!" he shouted back but his voice was consumed by the growling of the engine. He tried again. "
By the time he had said the last sentence, Simon felt the bumper car lose traction and he was sliding a little bit over to the right wall. The boy started to flail about until he realized that he really couldn't do anything at all. "
ICE!" he yelled one last time. "
ISA!" Maybe saying the Ancient Rune would help? He was hoping that Adi would get that.
Stop. Panicking.
Simon held the wheel lightly and continued zooming across the ice. He was in for one interesting go kart ride...