please don't let me be miunderstood
Close climate. Huh.
Leah missed the lecture part about insulation due to her arranging her scarf, but picked up her wand to practice the spell. Oops, she needed to practice the incantation first, and that did not require her wand. Pocketing her wand again awkwardly, she cleared her throat and said, "CAY-lum - SAY-pee- what?" the Hufflepuff stopped, frowning. That was a weird incantation, but oh well. "CAY-lum - SAY-pee-oh. CAY-lum SAY-pee-oh." she muttered. "Caylum Saypeeoh. Caelum Saepio!" Was that right? At least it did sound a bit like what the professor had said.
Last edited by nanyjj; 07-18-2014 at 05:37 AM.