Thread: The Fireplace
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Old 07-18-2014, 01:42 AM   #63 (permalink)
Casey O

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Originally Posted by ArianaBlack View Post

Just warming up by the fire as ya do. Maybe he should take his hands down now? They felt like they were on fire. But like a good fire? Because fire meant warmth and warmth meant not freezing in this arctic post-apocalyptic Hogwarts snowstorm. So he just shrugged and kept at it. If his hands did melt, at least he'd have warmth, right? Hands didn't really matter too much in the end anyways.... Pft. Useless. #GryffindorLogic

Leaning closer to the fire, Zander--

BOOOOOOM! WOAAAAAAAHHH and the world came tumbling down O_____O

"Oooooof." Welp. That kinda hurt. A disoriented Gryffindor lied on the ground, super confused and blinking profusely. Whaaaa? Was he dead yet? And what was this delightfully soft layered thing on top of him?
"SORRY!" shouted Marigold towards the general area of where she thought the person she fell on top of ear's was. She couldn't quite see them, due to her layers of clothing. And because she couldn't push herself off, she resolved to rolling off the person and landed softly on the ground because of her many layers.

"Sorry," she said again, now that she could see the person she had crushed. "I fell over."

Duh, McAlistor.
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