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Angel looked at Adi and beamed. "I'd make sure that no one could find you" Angel giggled, seriously she'd put him somewhere maybe outside so everyone just thought that he was an ice-sculpture. "I would make a nice sculpture I know, I'm good looking."
"Yeah I say so." Angel looked at Adi. "Not exactly, but I just have this strange feeling." Angel pouted, "I have no idea what I can do to get him to notice me, any ideas." Angel thought that he might have some good ideas, and then she can tell him what AJ likes.
"I'm glad." Angel beamed. "So want to go and do something cool then?" Angel was a bit bored now.
Adi laughed yet again. Angel was so funny.
"Benny or AJ would notice I'm missing and organise a search part for me in no time.'' Hehe. Still grinning, he continued speaking.
"Sure you would. But AJ would make an even better looking-'' Adi caught himself but the damage was done. Holy...where had that come from? He shifted his eyes away from Angel, willing himself not to go red.
Well, Benny certainly noticed Angel. Of that Adi was sure.
"Maybe he likes you but he's too shy to admit it.'' He wondered what must be going on in that head of his best friend's. If only he could perform Occlumency...
Something cool?
"Sure. What you got in mind?'' And more importantly, would it make him a bit warm?