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Govoni Vesper and Derry...had been putting their minds together for a few weeks now to decide and...
plan...things. And now that they were getting closer and closer to the end of term (AND THINGS!!!), it was painfully clear that outside help would be required. Unfortunately for everyone, the snowstorm STILL had them confined indoors. No outgoing or incoming owls...No means of communication...
Cabin fever had quickly set in. Yes.
FORTUNATELY for their purposes, Professor Hadley had that Technology Center...and with the hopes of muggle internet (something Ves weeped for everyday because music and youtube), the Ravenclaw and her Slytherin bud had promised to meet there. To finalize things. That is.....if the internet would work with the stoopid weather.
Deciding to wait just outside the doors for Derry, Ves perched back against a wall. Guuuuh, it was COLD.
Derry had taken to wearing her riding gear around the school. It seemed to be the most versatile outfit, anyway. It kept her warm, but she never quite reached than uncomfortable warmth stage that happened when you were running around in a coat and scarf. She was still not wearing gloves though... for reasons of her own. Plus, she'd be able to type faster without them on... even though she typed like a maniac anyway.
Keeping her hands stuffed inside her pockets, Derry climbed up to the first floor from the dungeons and beamed when she saw Ves leaning against the wall. She was going to wave... but it was too cold. So she shouted instead.
"Hey Ves!" It didn't take her long to reach the door...
"I've got the letters." She wriggled her hand in her pocket, still not taking them out. They were staying in the warmth until they were needed thankyouverymuch.
Could they go inside now? Moving was nice. Movement produced warmth. Through energy transference and friction and stuff. ... Derry didn't like Physics. Biology was more her thing. Anyway, not the point. She reluctantly removed a hand from her pocket and opened the door, stepping in and holding it open for her friend.
Let's DO this.