Thread: Entrance Hall
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Old 07-17-2014, 02:56 PM   #89 (permalink)
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Stuck inside with Sirius | *Splish-Splash* | bamBAM | ☁ Spooktacular ☁

A chuckle escaped his lips at her teasing. It'd been way too long since he'd spoken properly to someone out of classes. It was refreshing talking to Lex; he shouldn't have left it so long since last seeing her. "Put it down to the NEWTs studying," Benjy replied with a crooked grin. "It's been overwhelming my Gryffie side of late." Too much thinking - about his exams, people, life... - and probably not enough action. And yes, honesty. He liked that about Lex. He thought he liked it about Vesper too, but turned out she wasn't anywhere near as honest, or as innocent, as she proclaimed. "Given my luck lately, I'm guessing all it'd earn me was a punch in the face." Possibly more., she was saving him from food poisoning? Benjy laughed. "I doubt it's that easy to give me food poisoning from some cookies - I mean, they don't even need cooking to taste good." He kicked the skateboard in his hand, and span it on the edge with his fingers. "In that case, you're an amazing friend from saving me from such horrors...and I think we should just have a race instead." If he was going to go down staircases, then he wanted the adrenaline from it, and not just a smashed up face...even if Lex was offering to wait on him. "Though you're welcome to feed me anytime..." he added as a bit of an after thought. He really shouldn't blow off such offers so lightly.

He pulled out his wand, ready to duplicate his board. "We're that bad, huh?" He was teasing, of course, but in some ways he agreed with her. Not the whole house - but it only took a certain few to ruin it for others. "Erm...okay..." he managed, at her indifference to the whole Jun thing. It was good it was so amicable, he supposed...and balanced too, by the sound of things. Unlike him and Vesper. Heh. He shook his head lightly, with an ironic laugh. "Let's say she had...commitment issues," he said wryly, still not understanding how a girl could snog someone so much and not actually want to date them, at least for some undisclosed period of time...after which she still might say no. "I became second best to pretty much everything unless she wanted snogs." And he whilst he liked the snogs, that kind of relationship wasn't for him so...yep, still very much single over here.
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