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Old 07-17-2014, 05:15 AM   #67 (permalink)
Sting the Wasp
Team Mascot
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Join Date: Jul 2014
Posts: 120

SPOILER!!: Marial and Isa
Originally Posted by emjay View Post
SPOILER!!: Isa and Sting

Isa's excitement was so fun to watch and was certainly contagious. Who couldn't have a great time seeing a young girl's smile and laugh brought on from an overgrown bee? Mariel couldn't help but to laugh along herself as they danced together and she moved in for the picture. Sting really was a hit with the fans and she gave him a very approving smile for being so wonderful with her pretty much niece.

The 29 year old slid into place on the other side of Sting, her arm sort of awkwardly around his back as she set about getting a picture with him and Isa. Hearing the girl's question, she spoke back in Spanish, "I don't know, sweetheart. We will find him soon." She knew he was around here somewhere but lost track of him in the process as she was making her rounds around the stadium to make sure everything was running smoothly. But she did want to see him soon enough.

Oh of course she wanted to ride a broom, what child wouldn't? "Of course.. if it's alright with your mother." She looked to Cassandra. Mariel wasn't exactly sure how she would feel about it with her own Quidditch injury and she wouldn't do anything against her wishes, but they took safety measures. "The Junior Quidditch brooms are quite safe," she added to her in English. "Just a step up from the toy brooms really. And there are cushioning charms on the ground below the course." Yeah, they couldn't go very far with them but the steering and increased height made it seem like the children had more liberty with them.

She smiled for the picture then turned to Isa again. "There are a few more here. Have you seen any others?" Mariel did not know the Spanish word for mascot, though she supposed it could be the same as in English so she left it out hoping the girl understood. What did they want to do next? Perhaps she could show them around a bit while she checked on things or she could take them over to the brooms if she wanted a ride.
Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post
Finding Uncle Jorge sounded like fun and we meant Auntie Mariel was going to spend more time with her. This was great! Plus the mascot was exciting and she wanted to dance around with it more. Giving a huge smile for the camera as her mother took the picture of her and Auntie Mariel, the seven year old couldn’t be happier.
SHE COULD RIDE A BROOM!!! Isa jumped at her words and clapped excitedly. This was going to be the best, but then the rest of her words registered and she looked at her mother. In Spanish begging her mom, “Mommy please, can I please ride the brooms? I won’t get hurt I promise! Auntie Mariel says it’s alright.” So it was fine, see if she said it was it had to be. She heard them speaking in English again and got annoyed, she hated that she couldn’t understand everything. So she decided to wander away and look for something else. The food smelled good, maybe mommy would buy her a snack.
Seeing cupcakes and cookies Isa bounced a bit, “Can I have one, can I please?” she looked at both adults and looked around as Mariel spoke again. “There are? I haven’t.” Could they see all the mascots? That would be so fun!

A smile of approval? HA! STING for president buuuuuzzzzz! Dancing with Mrs. Department Head and the ickle was a lot of fun.

Broomsticks? Sting wasn't much of a player, but broomsticks were FUN FUN FUN! The wasp bounced side to side all happy-like, before pretending to ride on a broomstick himself.

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