Thread: The Fireplace
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Old 07-17-2014, 04:52 AM   #61 (permalink)
Casey O

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Originally Posted by ArianaBlack View Post
Kitchens. Zander was here for the kitchens. Welp, not for the actual kitchens... For the food. Annnnyways, he thought he was here for the kitchens, but somehow! He had stumbled upon... wait for it.... A FIREPLACE!? Whaaaaaa!? WHERE WERE THEY HIDING THIS MAGNIFICENT CREATURE FOR ALL THIS TIME!? It was beautiful. It was stupendous. It was brilliant.

It was warm. Ah. Warmth. Without a second thought about food, the lion ran up right smack dab in front of that glorious fire place and sat. Ahhhhh. He could just feel the magnificent heat glowing through his layers upon layers of clothes. He carefully lifted up his hands and held them right up close to the fire. Right up close. Almost too up close. But yet somehow, still not close enough.

He could do this all day.
Marigold was wearing LITERALLY seven layers of clothing. She had long underwear, sweaters, pants, sweats, puffy jackets, scarves, hats, and even fuzzy socks to match her gloves. She cast a rather weak vents, too, but she still moves throughout the halls of Hogwarts like she was frozen. It was all the mindset, y'know.

FIRE. Just the thing to melt her mindset. Er, hopefully not all the way, though. it would be quite hard to take exams without her brain. She scooched up close to the fire, then lifted her hands to warm them too. (She didn't need to raise them that high, though, because with all her layers she couldn't put her arms all the way down anyway). She brought her foot around to sit on it before putting too much weight on one side and toppling over. WHOOOOOPS.

Oh. And she had just fallen over on a person. Heh. Hi… person?
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