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Old 07-17-2014, 04:32 AM   #54 (permalink)
Casey O

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Default I'm literally squealing mitch is too cute
Admiratrice des Maraudeurs | C-Rizzle | THE Best Snuggler

Originally Posted by LilFox06 View Post
Mitchell grinned. He liked this. It was like a school sponsored date. He could check butterfly garden off of the list of things to do.

And look how she just sort of swung that net around like an adorable lunatic.

Ahem. Right. Manly thoughts. He should have some of those... He'd need to roll around in mud or something after this to make up for it.

"Yeah." he said abut trying to get the striped one. "You go left and I'll go right?" he suggested.
Marigold smiled at her boyfriend person before setting her focus to the task on hand. Which was hard. Because of previously mentioned boyfriend person.

"Okay. And we'll try and… sneak up on it?" If you could sneak up on a butterfly.

So slowly, she crept up to the butterfly. Maybe if she pretended she wasn't looking at it… yes… she hummed a bit. She wasn't trying to catch that butterfly, nope, not at alll…


Pout. She didn't get it. Maybe Mitch would have better luck with the striped one, which was fluttering a bit higher now. She looked down, sad about her defeat by a BUTTERFLY… whAT!?

She had caught a butterfly!!!! Just not the one she had been aiming for. Ahem. She hair flipping her way back to facing the boyfriend. "I caught one!" Excited squeal. Except… what did she do now?
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