Thread: Entrance Hall
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Old 07-16-2014, 08:51 PM   #86 (permalink)
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Stuck inside with Sirius | *Splish-Splash* | bamBAM | ☁ Spooktacular ☁

Uneven sidewalk, or just Benjy neglecting to teach her how to turn to avoid said unevenness? Either way, it was one of Benjy's highlights of that summer too. It'd been pretty rewarding seeing Lex's improvement. "Brilliant ones, huh?" Benjy ran his hand through his hair, and that smile just kept on creeping across his face. "Are you trying to flatter me, Alexa Cambridge?" Or had her cousin improved somewhat since their last corridor skating session?

Either way, there was now a smile on his face, and Benjy's foot on the board began to rock back and forth with a bit more purpose. His shoulders relaxed a bit too. "You wouldn't put your heart and soul into it for me?" Benjy shook his head lightly. "That's...almost disappointing." In many ways, it'd be far more fun to see whatever she did manage to concoct and how much of it was over her than to have something actually edible. And you couldn't go too far wrong with cookies, right? "I's got to be worth being in the hospital wing for..." He might be an adrenaline junkie, but he wasn't stupid.

He bit his lip at that, not even managing a retort of the 'not even to see me?' kind - given that he'd be far happier meeting her elsewhere anyway. Sadly sounded like the Gryff common room was out too though. "The blue losing it's touch?" he managed after a short pause, though it wasn't said as lightly as it was intended, especially given the news that came next. "I'm...sorry to hear that," he offered, though internally he wasn't sure whether he should be or not. "Wish I knew what it's feels like not to be single..." he commented quietly, the smile he'd had momentarily lost.
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