Thread: Entrance Hall
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Old 07-16-2014, 08:01 PM   #84 (permalink)
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Stuck inside with Sirius | *Splish-Splash* | bamBAM | ☁ Spooktacular ☁

His smile, if that's what it could be called, crept a little wider as he remembered her first skateboard lesson. "That's true, you did do a good job a falling..." A great job at getting back up too. "...though I'd rather get you kick flipping properly down the stairs than sending you to the hospital wing." And with that, he dropped the board from his hand, and rolled it absent-mindedly under his right foot. Absent-mindedly in a good way.

Only half responsible? He raised an eyebrow at that, before considering the whole of her proposition. "It almost sounds tempting," he said, board still under his foot a moment and arms crossed. "Cookies and cakes sort of kitchen food...and maybe even a good spag bol?" He tapped his chin lightly, as if considering it as a deal, and one might even go as far as to say that that was glint of light shining in his eyes.

He nodded in agreement as she vented her frustrations. Well, until the bit about the Ravenclaw Common Room. "I could get you in," he said quietly, "Dunno why you'd want to though." There were reasons why he was studying in the library of all places, and the musty smell of books wasn't one of them. But hang on - didn't she already have a boyfriend for that? He gave a little frown. "Things gone down the pan with you and Jun?" She wouldn't mind him asking out right, would she? This was Lex, after all.
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