Fortress of Brilliance ღ Mommy Quad Maybe Hayley didn't know what he was feeling personally, or even at the moment, but surely she had before, and she could sympathize with him nonetheless. Still, the second year was wise enough not to egg him on with her logic or facts. It wasn't nice, in the end. And she wasn't trying to do anything but be nice, so.. there. "That sounds.. gross," That wasn't being mean, okay? It wasn't. She was just being honest! "Maybe we should take you to the hospital wing." Or maybe he should just eat the soup she had gotten for him, maybe that would make him feel like his heart wasn't squeezing anymore. And de-frost his head a bit.
Before she could suggest anything having to do with the soup, Hayley heard her name, followed by something about a boy - Noel, of course - and while leaning back on one hand, her head turning to look at whoever had just greeted her, Noel managed to get out .. whatever Kyroh wanted to call that. It wasn't quite a hello, or a 'hey what's up,' but hopefully he wouldn't take it too personally. Hayley smiled, "Hey Kyroh!" He looked.. a bit out of breath, and hot? Judging by his reddened face. "This is Noel, he's a Hufflepuff. Second year. And not actually dying yet, don't mind him. Are you okay?"
Even though Hayley's attention was focused on Kyroh at the moment, she had felt the nose rubbing into her robes, and couldn't help but make a face - casting a sideways look at the rather awkward, but no less delightful teenage boy with his head in her lap and possible snot on her robes. She said nothing, though, and turned blue-grey eyes back to her fellow Ravenclaw. Until Noel spoke up again.
Try as she might, Hayley was having a hard time not giggling. Biting the inside of her cheeks, the small brunette's smile only grew. It was even harder not to roll her eyes, playfully of course. "I do know, Noely. I'll make sure Sunny knows, and that it goes on your grave - 'Brother to Sunny, she was my favorite.'"
__________________ Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed. |