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Old 07-15-2014, 08:09 PM   #85 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Amelia "Mia" Adair
Sixth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Leigh Upstead
Fifth Year
be curious, not judgmental

Text Cut: Zeke, Vivi, Selina, Dylan!
Originally Posted by Hera View Post
Zeke nodded eagerly, "Most of the time," he added honestly. If it were up to him, he'd be there for EVERY match, but Emily had plans and sometimes that did not involve leaving him at the stadium for its duration. Uuuuggghhh. And speaking of Emily... was James looking for her? He was looking. When adults looked around like that it was because they thought he'd die, or he was in other types of trouble. Was he NOT supposed to touch the table? TOO BAD! "She's not here. I mean, she's here, just not here here... she has work things to do so I left her to it." There was no way she was suckering him into being one of them undercover civilian type security peeps - not that'd she'd have let him, but still, he liked to think she would.

It was quite possible that today was THE best day of his life. Or at least, it seemed that way in this moment. BIIIIGGGGGGG moment here, yep. WAY COOL... his name was WAY cool.. apparently, which WAS cool in itself, coming from James. Wait, no, Maximus, Max? They WERE on a first name basis yes? The Keeper's use of the term BUD indicated that they were. BUDS were on first name bases, duh, everyone knew that. "It is a pleasure, more than a pleasure, to meet YOU." He was grinning and gawking when MAX leaned in closer and lowered his voice. Again, confirming that they were friends, buds, BBFs, bros, homies... cause squirrel business didn't happen between strangers or people that didn't like each other. Zeke was convinced that his logic was flawless. "I aaaaammmm!" he hushed back, a little too quickly. Although, perhaps he wasn't? He didn't go watch all of his matches, and he hadn't sent him a birthday card or a Christmas gift, MAYBE, just maybe, he was a terrible fan disguised as the biggest one? "Just.. don't tell him, yeah?" he added, a shifty glance towards Monty-what'shisface... ahem. Zeke grinned some more, thoroughly enjoying himself and perfectly content with hogging the STAR player.

This was easily better than a History lesson, school was such a bore, he didn't even know why he had to go. It seemed pointless - all things considered. There was so much for him to take in, that he hoped his brain would remember it later in the evening, there would be NO way he was going to forget this. Of the things he learned, first that Max had gone to Hogwarts, second that he didn't start playing until late, and lastly that his mum had been with the club too. "Epiiiiccc! I didn't know you started so late, you're just sooooo good, and I hear some people start when they're like, super young." Which had made him feel like he was behind on it all, but not so much now. All the stuff about being nervous and having fun and not stressing sounded familiar. It sounded like the peptalk he got when he had a test or something coming up. Still, he could relate. HE RELATED TO MAX!

Leaning his head in a little closer too, Zeke nodded, "Fun and loving the game," he would commit that one to memory as best as he could, though it seemed hard not putting wanting to win first. Considering though that he was hearing this from a Pro, he really oughtn't question it AT ALL, and on top of that, it had been a secret. He would KEEP this secret to himself.

"I dunno," he shrugged at Max's question. "I've only flown, haven't tried playing a game yet..." and he had to learn to fly properly first. "I lose control of the broom too much, it goes all wonky and dips and stuff." He could handle the erratic movements, just not when he was flying AT something, which was often the case. "Got any tips?"

Also, is this what people did when they met players? Stood and chatted? He could do this for hours, days even.
Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
And then to make her way over to the Arrows. Dylan got a big wink and another blown kiss, but then all of Vivi's attention was for Max. And the mini Max. No, honestly, the young boy wearing a James jersey and eagerly swapping secrets with Max just did something to the stalwart Auror's insides. She felt like she was turning into jelly, and she didn't like feeling like that. Jelly feels were a bit too normal!girl for Vivi tastes.

"I thought I was your biggest fan, but it looks like I've been replaced." Vivi crossed her arms across her chest, across her OWN James jersey, and gave the kid a once over. The stern look only lasted a second before she offered her hand to him with a grin. "It was good while it lasted. Well played, mate. I like your jersey."
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict View Post
She even followed the path of the Wild Vivi in the tent. Where was she going...? Ah, the boyfriend. Max got waves too. Maybe not blown kisses because those were Vivi exclusive, but she felt it was the thought that counted.
Originally Posted by Govoni View Post
After Max's nudge, Dylan grinned because bromance reasons...and then ruffled the kids hair. "I play well because my team keeps the bludgers away. It's hard dodging those bad boys." really was. Obviously, he was a professional with his agility...but yea. Bloody difficult all the same...

"I'm a James fan, too. It's all good. Have fun." Nope, he wasn't at all offended that the little man wasn't wearing his name. And....hello, Vivi.

After innocently giving her some appreciative looks...because she was a bombshell and ahem....he left them to it.

She...? Ah, the kid was very observant - Zeke must've been talking about his mum, or whoever his female guardian was. "Hm, work things?" Was she a Quidditch professional, then, or one of the many around and about with the law enforcement? "Well, y'can hang out here as long as you'd like." Max greatly preferred talking with him, a genuine fan, over adults who just wanted his autograph to sell for profit.

Max nodded along as Zeke spoke about starting young. Yeeees. That was a trend among many professional players. "I don't think it necessarily matters how young you start. I mean, sure, if you start later, you might be a little behind in skill level when you're starting out, but it's all about how much effort and heart you put into it. I mean, s'not a walk in the park, but if you really love Quidditch, you'll be able to give it your all and practice enough to keep getting better and better AND have fun doing it. I believe in you - y'can do that." Because, at the start of it all, isn't that really what brings people to play? The enjoyment of it? The love of the game? Having fun?

Those who lost sight of that when fame, fortune, and glory came into play were really unfortunate, in Max's opinion.

So cute. Max grinned at Dylan and his interactions with Zeke, chuckling at the idea that Dylan was a James fan, too. "Good thing, too, 'cause I'm a big Montmorency fan." Who wouldn't be? Dylan was one of the top Seekers in the whole league, if not the best. Max thought Dylan was the best. He wouldn't tell him that, though, at least not so directly. Certainly his friend already knew.

Watching as Dylan left them to it, Max caught Selina's eye and returned the wave with a smile. Hi, girlfriend's other soulmate. Hi.

Just as Max was giving Zeke his attention once more to offer him his flying tips, the girlfriend in question joined them and he chuckled at what she had to say. "Sorry, Vivi. Seems that you've been demoted to my second biggest fan. Zeke here is worthy competition, though." He gave her a knowing sort of grin, hoping she would play along to boost the kid's spirits even further. "Zeke, this is my girlfriend, Genevieve Branxton. She's even cooler than I am." Would the idea of that blow the kid's mind? He hoped so. Maybe the kid would even develop a cute little crush on her. Then he'd REALLY be a little Max. Aw.

Thinking back to the kid's question, Max looked up to Vivi once more, the biggest of all grins still in place. "Vivi? Whaddya say?" Max digressed for a moment, turning to Zeke to inform him, "Vivi played Quidditch with me at Hogwarts, she was bloody brilliant," so he knew why he was consulting her. And Max knew Vivi wasn't a professional Quidditch player, and thus maybe Zeke didn't care as much for her opinion, but Max wanted to include her in their chatter. "Zeke here has some trouble controlling his broomstick. Says it goes all wonky and such. Got any tips?"

Max had always been a natural flyer and could hardly remember having problems like that, but as for his advice, he shrugged at Zeke and offered, "I'd say just relax. It's probably goin' all over the place because it's in your head - it probably went all wonky on you once, so now you're worried about it happening again, and then because you're anticipating it and nervous about it, your grip might get a little shaky and that's when you'll lose your head and overthink it and end up a mess." He spoke lightly, hoping his assumptions weren't offensive but rather helpful to the boy and added, "Just relax and be one with the broom. Trust yourself." Max was all about feeling it more than the actual mechanics of flying.
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