Unforgivably Cursed | adultescent SPOILER!!: Isa and Sting Quote:
Originally Posted by Bazinga Isa watched as Sting started dancing around and she bounced and danced along with him. Grinning towards her mother and Auntie Marie. They should join and she waved her little arms trying to get them to start dancing too. Clapping a bit as she mentioned Uncle Jorge, “Where is he?” she continued to speak in her native language since Mariel seemed to understand most of it and if she didn’t her mother was translating.
As she danced around the Wasp she heard brooms. “I want to ride on a broom, can I ride on a broom. Please.. pleassssse.” Auntie Mariel would take her to ride on a broom wouldn’t she? Even if her mother would say it’s too dangerous. Just because she had an injury didn’t mean Isa shouldn’t be allowed to try.
Hugging the Wasp as Auntie Mariel and her mother took pictures she was way too excited, this one might be her favorite. Though she hadn’t seen the others, but still he was exciting. Waving Mariel over she needed to get into the picture too. “Come get the picture with me!!” She wanted a picture with Auntie she had none with her yet. Looking back up at the Wasp she grinned, “You are fun!” She hugged him again as Mariel came over to get a picture with them. Quote:
Originally Posted by Sting the Wasp
Did Sting dance, OH BOY YES HE DID! His dance moves made all the wasps just buuuuuzz with pleasure. Without a moment of hesitation the wasp began wiggling his stinger around and waving his hands in the air. He even grabbed the little girl's hand and gently twirled her around. Mascotting was so much fun!
Sting gently wrapped his BIG waspy hands around the cute little girl. Ah, the sweet smell of wonderful fans. Smiling REAL nice for the camera and....
That must've been a good one ! Taking pictures with the fans was ALWAYS the best part of any Quidditch game. Sting extended his arms in the air as he waited for the second SNAP! Isa's excitement was so fun to watch and was certainly contagious. Who couldn't have a great time seeing a young girl's smile and laugh brought on from an overgrown bee? Mariel couldn't help but to laugh along herself as they danced together and she moved in for the picture. Sting really was a hit with the fans and she gave him a very approving smile for being so wonderful with her pretty much niece.
The 29 year old slid into place on the other side of Sting, her arm sort of awkwardly around his back as she set about getting a picture with him and Isa. Hearing the girl's question, she spoke back in Spanish, "I don't know, sweetheart. We will find him soon." She knew he was around here somewhere but lost track of him in the process as she was making her rounds around the stadium to make sure everything was running smoothly. But she did want to see him soon enough.
Oh of course she wanted to ride a broom, what child wouldn't? "Of course.. if it's alright with your mother." She looked to Cassandra. Mariel wasn't exactly sure how she would feel about it with her own Quidditch injury and she wouldn't do anything against her wishes, but they took safety measures. "The Junior Quidditch brooms are quite safe," she added to her in English. "Just a step up from the toy brooms really. And there are cushioning charms on the ground below the course." Yeah, they couldn't go very far with them but the steering and increased height made it seem like the children had more liberty with them.
She smiled for the picture then turned to Isa again. "There are a few more here. Have you seen any others?" Mariel did not know the Spanish word for mascot, though she supposed it could be the same as in English so she left it out hoping the girl understood. What did they want to do next? Perhaps she could show them around a bit while she checked on things or she could take them over to the brooms if she wanted a ride.
__________________ started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________  ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line |