SPOILER!!: Adam and Jorge
Originally Posted by
Harron Peasley
"Sorry to interrupt -" Adam approached the pair, seeing the lady eager to try the new Windsweeper, by the sound of things, and them debating the safety regulations surrounding the Invisible broom. "I'm Adam Stemp, Patents Division Head here at Games and Sports. You're more than welcome to try any of the brooms - as long as you dont leave the perimeter of the stadium. And if you've got any questions, I'm more than happy to answer them." He grinned, although inside he was trying to remember players name, and who played where, because he knew he recognised this woman, but....
He should have tried harder.
"As for the safety regulations surrounding our new invisible broom, Patents are currently working out the best way to pursue the marketing of such an object. Of course, we're considering all options. Regulated airways, installing detectors on these brooms, and maybe even determining riders of these responsible for the control of their rides. That is to say that, ah - they're the ones to 'get out of the way' if they see another flyer approaching." He flashed a smile again, running a hand along his tie before continuing. "Depending on the response to them at this event - which we're hoping will be eager, I'll enter into negotiations with the Department of Magical Transportation to finalise and iron all issues out."
Phew. He... He never talked this much, unless it was about his kids. And that was only because there were eight of them, and that required a lot of talking. He was praying he'd done the department justice.
Originally Posted by
Jorge just grinned and shrugged, “This event is for the fans, but what better way to get fans interested in these brooms than seeing their favorite pro on it? I know I’d be more inclined to try one for that reason. Plus this area would probably be grateful, someone as pretty as you that people are sure to know. It will be hopping with fans wanting to try. Now can you really not give them that?” He chuckled with his signature smirk on his face. She was pretty and he could appreciate that. Oh she would do it for a picture, “Perfect, this will go nicely.” As he was pulling out his camera he heard a voice. Looking up he assumed it was the person in charge. [b] “Not interrupting at all, just the person we needed. He stuck out a hand, “Jorge Cristo De La Garza, Daily Prophet” and your boss’ fiancé, but he figured he’d leave that part out. He looked back at the pro, “See go for it.” his smirk still present.
He listened as they spoke of the invisible broom, still not fully getting the concept of it, but he wasn’t much a broom person so it wasn’t that big of a deal. “Maybe you could give me a quote on it for the Meet and Greet article. “ Mariel had mentioned putting this area in the spot light a little, so what better way than a new product. “It’s different that’s for sure.” That’s about all he had for it really. Nia was right it would make the game boring, so maybe something for the Dark Wizards of the world? Now that could have possibilities. He got lost in his own thoughts as they spoke. “Well if it does take off, have Mariel let me know and I can get it publicity.” Anything for her he’d do that was just a given.
Getting a blush he smirked more, so she was surprised her close friend would speak of her? He couldn’t help but laugh at her question though, “Mariel Morgan would not be your close friend if it was bad. She doesn’t stick me as one to stick around bad.” Though she had stuck around with him longer than she probably should have. Oh good he was kind of expecting that though, what woman would brag about the bad things in a relationship. He opened his arms in a welcoming gesture. “Well then it’s only in the best friend duties, so do what you need to.”
Was she nervous? He glanced back at Adam to see if he was noticing this. A pro nervous about an interview? Was that a thing? He didn’t deal with the sports world at all really, so he wasn’t sure. “On your career, inspirations, what could help with someone who wants to be you.” It could be good for his career to do something like this really. Show some people he wasn’t just about bad news.
'Someone as pretty as you...' Was Jorge flattering her? ...she might be worried if she didn't know that Jorge was engaged to her best friend. As it was though, he'd done far more than convince her than she should try out the broom, and she just gave him a sheepish grin. "Fine, fine...you've got me." And right on cue, the person in charge joined them. "Nice to meet you, Adam," she greeted with a smile, to which she added a little nod at his position. Division head, huh? Her Mum had sat in his office once. "Nia Newtington," she returned, "Chaser with the Ballycastle Bats." He probably knew that though, right? Anywho. "Jorge here just, well...I was wondering if I might try the Windsweeper?"
...as for the invisible broom? Nia nodded along to Adam's suggestions. "The latter one will only work if the other rider is visible though," she pointed out quietly. Such regulations likely to fail when both riders were invisible. Which reminded her of another question. "Who's it actually being marketed for?" Presumably not Quidditch players.
He should stop smirking at her. Really. It was just a blush, okay? "You speak the truth," Nia agreed, with a light laugh. Her bangs fell forward with the movement, and she gently tucked them back behind her ears. She probably should have braided it back like she did for matches if she was going up on a broom, but she so rarely got to wear it straight down. "I will," Nia said with a nod, regaining her composure. "But...it's not fair if it doesn't come as a surprise." So...he could welcome as he liked, but her tests would be spontaneous. Oh yes.
And yes, Nia was nervous about interviews. About how she might be interpreted and judged. Generally, she left the outgoing, confident pro chaser Nia on the pitch, and was back to quiet, thoughtful Nia off of it. For some reason, many journalists found this a difficult concept to grasp. Past encounters, when she was more naive than she was now, had taught her to be wary. Jorge's interview proposal though caught her. Inspirations. Helping people achieve what she had. She nodded. "As long as Mariel gets to read through it before it goes to print, I'll give you an exclusive."