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Old 07-14-2014, 04:30 AM   #26 (permalink)
Casey O

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Join Date: Jun 2012
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Admiratrice des Maraudeurs | C-Rizzle | THE Best Snuggler

Originally Posted by LilFox06 View Post
Mitchell wondered who would choose butterflies over go-carts. And near instantaneously that question had been answered.

Who would choose the butterflies? His most favorite person ever. He grabbed a net and followed after her.

"Hey Goldilocks." he said catching up with her. There was a prize for this right? He could catch some butterflies and give her the prize. That would be a boyfriendy thing to do.

Oh. And hey. It was actually warm here. He'd need to take off his scarf and coats soon.
Marigold was growing increasingly frustrated at the blue butterfly. It was just TAUNTING her, that one was. Harumph.

Hm? Her head whipped around when she heard her nickname - albeit one only used by one person - and smiled at the sight of her snuggle person. "Hi." He got a hug and quite possibly a kiss on the cheek but other people definitely didn't see that nope. "Come catch a butterfly!"

Not the blue one because it was EEEEVIL.
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