SPOILER!!: Minerva, PROS, Deacon, Barny
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“Oh good, I think Alec would love seeing him in a Tornado.. Oh my” She thought for a moment, “I think Alec actually had gotten him one. Why didn’t I think about that before? He could have had it on today.” Looking at Gunnar she chuckled, “Though I love his little shirt that he has on.” It was very true she had been very taken for a long time now.
As soon as she said something it felt like all the pro’s were on her. Goodness could she go back to being in her little house alone? This was a bit spot lightish and she didn’t handle that well. Smiling nicely to the woman (Kai) as she gushed over the babies, but who wouldn’t they were just two angels at the moment looking around. Turning as Ethan said their ages she grinned, “Oh well I played in school, most of the time I was there.” Though that ended early her eyes glancing back at Gunnar for a moment until she heard her explain and then another (Murigen) explaining as well.
“Oh there is no way I can hit it further than you. I haven’t picked up a bat since I left school.” Well before that actually. Looking back to (Kia) she smiled, “Well I guess I can see if I can do good enough for at least one of the mascots for Gunnar.” It would be nice to get them both mascots, but they could always stop by the souvenirs.
Looking at Asher and then to Ethan she thought for a moment, “You two might not know each other. E this is Asher he played for Slytherin.” She wasn’t sure if they had crossed paths or not. She gave Ethan another look, he knew how she felt about being in front of people like this. Taking a deep breath she looked to Gunnar. “Alright mommy will try for you.” Looking back at the Pro’s she gave a nervous smile. “I’ll try the targets.”
Now to get a bat.
Originally Posted by
Charely Potter
Deacon was chilling as soon as he made his way he went through some of the other areas. It was looking good, before he realised that he had an area to manage. Whoops, better late than never arriving. Finishing up his drink, he tossed in into the nearest bin before he got to getting the equipment set up.
Running a hand through his hair, he gave one of his irresistible big grins before starting, "Good daaaaaaaaay ladies and gents." ...Maybe he could tone down on the announcer voice. "Step right up here to grab a bat and take a swing at one of these unlucky targets!" On the table was the box full of bats, in various shades of colour. Wasn't Deacon's idea if you asked him, he was just going to enjoy the show.
As he then noticed a little family, looks like the mother had some experience? He did his best not to smirk at her being the wielder. He didn't know the family, but his wandering mind had thoughts.. that were going to be kept hidden if he didn't want to be the target after revealing them as he waited for her to approach. "Here you are.. Now did you want to try solo or up against these paid professionals?" Waiting for her answer as he moved the box for her to take a bat easily. Now he could take out the trunk full of bludgers ready to be smacked.
Originally Posted by
Hey Ju
Muirgen smiled at the young mummy when she said she'd go for the targets. "Okey dokey! Do you kno' what to do?" The Beater asked, tossing the bat up and letting it spin around once, grabbing it again in a way the handle was towards the young woman.
Oh? A rather handsome man just pulled a box full of bats to where they were, though. Muirgen would be just fine if the lady wanted to take one of those instead. She kept holding her own bat towards her, in case she wanted that one anyway. The redhead smiled from the man with the box to the young woman in front of her. "I'm Muirgen, by the way! What's your name?"
And look at all those people coming now!! Awesoooome!!
Originally Posted by
Barny the Fruitbat
This place was lacking an adorable mascot so strutting over Barny made sure they weren't missing out on his Batty awesomeness any longer. HELLO ADORING FANS!
He dances around until he noticed to little ones in a stroller, children loved the bat, well other than the screaming one from earlier. He kept his distance for now and bent down waving at the boy, (Gunnar). Doing a little dance so the child hopefully would smile not scream.
He got back up from leaning down and waved at all the adults too of course, because what adult didn't love mascots!
Wiggle wiggle wiggle
"Oh.. does he?" Ethan gave Minerva a questioning look as she mentioned Gunnar already having a Tornados shirt. That was entirely possible, especially if he had only worn it once. Min was usually the one that dressed the babies and he didn't always notice particular clothes.
"Maybe one of the Tornado mascot plushies then.." He didn't know and he thought he might be still too young for a toy broom. Though another ball might not hurt.. did they have enough of those yet? He did chuckle at the shirt comment. Yeah, he liked it too.
He watched Min talk to the women players for a minute as she decided if she wanted to play or not, his green eyes soon snapping to the guy about their age very loudly making out to be some sort of announcer. He wasn't aware he was at the carnival, but whatever. Was this person in charge? It seemed the Quidditch Beaters had things under control so he wasn't real sure what was going on. Shaking his head a bit, he turned back to his wife.
"Looks like he's got the bats.. you'll do great, I'll just pull the kids out of the way," he said with a grin.
He started to back the double stroller up, then looked over at the one Min had called Asher.
"Nice to meet you," he grinned as Min introduced them.
"No, I don't think we ever crossed paths in school.." Interesting that he played for Slytherin though because he didn't remember playing against him. But he guessed he didn't remember everyone. Alright.. was Min ready? Ethan pulled the stroller out of the way of any stray bludger yet in optimal view for the kids to see their Mum. Haha, and there was some overgrow bar.. He'd guess Ballycastle's mascot. But he sure was fun and Ethan chuckled watching him, giving him a wave back. Gunnar seemed to be enjoying him too.
There were lots of people here - talking to Mommy, talking to him.. Gunnar just watched with wide eyes, taking them all in. He had forgotten momentarily about the ball, watching the people there, and his blue eyes soon locked onto the bat the one lady (Muirgen) was swinging around. That looked fun! But he didn't think long on it because soon something else had caught his eye.
It was a big stuffed animal.. or something. Gunnar wasn't completely sure, but he looked pretty interesting. He staaaared at it, soon giving it a little up and down wave with his hand in return. And then what was it doing, dancing? The boy thought it was so funny and he gave it a toothy grin before succumbing to baby giggles and he gave a few claps with his hands in his delight.