elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿ SPOILER!!: Cutty! Quote:
Originally Posted by SlytherinSistah The little first year girl from Herbology plopped her wee self down next to Cutty and his smile and gaze was instantaneously distracted by the THUD the ickle bird made with her...was that a diary?
"Ehyew." He greeted back casually. "What's that y'got there?" It was nothing quite so girly, Cutty. If Maddie did have a diary-which she didn't-she'd have it locked away somewhere no one could ever get their hands on it. Save for Zeus, his paws would probably come across it occasionally. That kneazle knew all her secrets. "'S research. Questions I have and possible answers and things I simply must know before I draw any more conclusions." Did no one else have notes like this? Surely she wasn't the only one obsessing concerned about their current situation. "I'm Maddie." PAUSE. "Or Coop." He could make the choice. "You're a Slytherin but I don't know your name." He should tell her, did he know? SPOILER!!: Hayden Quote:
Originally Posted by littledhampir Research. That definitely was her thing. Hayden wasn't eager about Astronomy but she did want to know what was up with the weird weather and how to make it stop. She did not appreciate the cold, not one bit. So there she was, ready to research and also hopefully earn some extra credit. It was a win-win situation. "Hello Professor," she said when she entered. "Find anything yet?" She didn't know exactly when this research session was supposed to start and she was fairly sure she was not late but she did want to make sure that she hadn't missed anything important. Hayden surveyed the room, and the seating arrangements, and went to go sit by the only person she knew. There weren't many people there yet so that probably meant she wasn't late. "Hello." That was to Maddie and the boy she was sitting by. "Mind if I join you?" She didn't know anyone else so hopefully they wouldn't mind. Hayden.
Maddie was seeing her around a lot lately, huh? The brunette smiled a little when the Hufflepuff joined her and the older snake, shaking her head to indicate that THEY didn't mind at all. The first year felt PERFECTLY comfortable answering for others, obviously. "Maybe we'll get some answers today," She said quietly to the girl next to her. They HAD talked about this subject before, after all.
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