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Old 07-13-2014, 07:48 PM   #14 (permalink)
Special Services to the School

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Originally Posted by Felixir View Post
Still, Toby was cheerful. Every time he saw a person he knew or even vaguely recognised the Hufflepuff gave them a beaming grin and a small wave. Even Cutty, though he may have faltered ever so slightly.
Cutty froze for a moment, though not for the temperature. He felt the weight of a glance on him and turned his head in time to catch it.

Toby was smiling. Cutty'd seen him do this often enough that he'd sort of developed a decoder of sorts for the smiles and what they meant. But with a new perspective on Toby as more emotionally corruptible than he initially branded him, Cutty wasn't so quick to assume this meant that Toby's mind was on the obvious.

It wasn't as - well, Cutty had to admit now - forced as the one used when Toby had mentioned his grandfather having shuffled off this mortal coil. It was something else. In a short measure of time, Cutty's smile was plastering itself long and wide and monkey-like as ever.


Text Cut: Lil Maddie
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
Maddie had a NOTEBOOK full of questions and ZERO answers to most of them which was wildly annoying. The cold just didn't make sense and unless the entire planet was experiencing some sort of push into the next ice age like in that muggle movie her brothers had FORCED her to watch, she had no CLUE what could be causing this. And so she was here, forced into extra credit work by her curiosity and need for some sort of information to quell her longing for knowledge on all of this.

"Hello Professor." There was little enthusiasm in her greeting seeing as she was FREEZING but it wasn't all together unpleasant. "Fellow student people." 'Sup nods and maybe a smile (depending on who you were, of course) happened.

The first year settled quite comfortably in a chair next to an older Slytherin boy who seemed lost in thought and let her notebook fall to the table with a THUD.

The little first year girl from Herbology plopped her wee self down next to Cutty and his smile and gaze was instantaneously distracted by the THUD the ickle bird made with her...was that a diary?

"Ehyew." He greeted back casually. "What's that y'got there?"
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