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Ethan, cool. As Toby didn't know any other Ethan's, he figured he'd be able to remember this kid's name pretty easily. He beamed and saluted Ethan straight back, and went back to looking over the controls on his Go-Kart, jiggling the steering wheel to check how sensitive the controls were before starting, otherwise things could get a little hairy. He was completely oblivious to what Ethan was thinking, of course, and looked up again when he heard him speaking again.
"I guess it is, yeah," he nodded, looking thoughtful for a second. "A lot of people call me Toby, some people call me Tobias." Like Ella in particular. He'd always kinda liked that she stuck with his full name, even if he now introduced himself as the shortened version of his name. "Tobias Tempus." Heh. It was an odd name. "Why'd'you ask?" Toby added.
Pointing. Pointing happened, but it was more of a surprised slash happy pointing, and not the rude one.
“It’s youuuuuuuu!!!!!!!” Ethan exclaimed as he waved the letter in the air.
“Ah! Now, I can finally tell Ella that I found you…and that er…we’re friends now, right?” Because that’s exactly what the former Badger told him to do. Be friends with this kid. Tobias Tempus. It’s not a bad name…it’s a cool one! Tobias. It has that…baddie kind of ring to it which Ethan likes.
“I hope you don’t mind me calling you Tobias. I think it sounds cool.” The fair-haired boy gave the other kid a thumbs up.
The face though. It was still so weird to be conversing with Simon’s look-alike with a different accent.
“Anyway. We should race!” Yes, yes. That’s why they are there, no? Oh and look. Professor Cassie was here to join them! Although…he wasn’t quite sure if she’d be comfortable racing with what she’s wearing right now.
“Do we…just start our engines now and start the race? Or…do we wait for more participants?” Ethan looked around and saw that nobody has started yet.