'It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts.'
-Sherlock Holmes
A Scandal in Bohemia
That quote somehow got stuck inside Ethan’s head and kept on mentally speaking it over and over again. His favourite muggle detective taught him so many things just by reading Sir Conan Arthur Doyle’s works, and one of them was the importance and beauty of research. It may be a nerdy thing to say, but it did help a lot when it comes to solving a problem. Besides, knowing things isn’t a bad thing either. Knowledge is power. Yup.
Ethan glanced behind him to see if Simon was close behind. They agreed to join this research, investigation stuff and maybe contribute an answer…or at least a theory based on their activity. The Slytherin searched the entire library, until he reached the Restricted Section Area. And just a few steps from it was one Airey Flamsteed, looking outside the window…thinking? Scheming?
“Do you already have a theory in mind, professor?” he looked like he got one already. Smart man he was.
“About the…freak weather? Oh and hi.” With a quick salute, he joined the Astronomy professor and he too looked outside.
“Merlin. It looks like Hoth outside.” Oh wait, sorry. Wrong science fiction.