Research Assistance Meeting 
Just off to the left of the Restricted Section, tables and chairs have been arranged to create a large square shaped study area. Various reading materials have been placed on the tables ranging from faded newspapers, to thick history books, to scrolls, and the most peculiar of all in the center of the table; a codex taken from deep within the Restricted Section.
Professor Flamsteed is seen standing by one of the windows with his right shoulder leaning against the cold wall of the library. His expression seems neutral at first, but were one to get close enough they would see his jaw was clenched and perhaps even hear the faint sound of his back teeth grinding against one another.
If you've stumbled upon this area on purpose, hoping to assist with the extra credit research mentioned in the lastest Astronomy lesson, then you are in the right place. If you happened here by accident, stick around anyway. Your assistance will be needed.