Gingeraffe. Xd Dave Grohl-Josh Hutcherson-RupertGrint-HP-HG- Marvel-D.C-Taylor Hawkins-Drumming-Foo Fighters- Quote:
Originally Posted by hermionesclone It was funny how many of his employees Bryce was yet to meet, and here was another one. The first thing he noticed was the red hair, only because of its vibrancy. "You're not interrupting anything, Miss," Unknown lady. Someone whose name he should find out otherwise he was going to call her a redhead. Or worse, gingeraffe. "Oh no, you're not interrupting anything. We were just being introduced and sharing cookies," he started, picking up the box of cookies and holding it out to the woman, "Want some? My mum made them so they're not likely to be burnt." If he kept on mentioning his mum, he was going to end up looking like a dork.
This was the LAST time. Not interrupting? Phew! That was good. Smiling, she made her way in. Oh. She should have introduced herself, shouldn't she? How silly of her. She had been so worried about interrupting that she had forgotten. "Hawkins. Veronica Hawkins, but you can call me Ronnie." PLEASE do. Because she did not like that bloody name Veronica. Bleh. "I'm the personal assistant." she added. He'd probably like to know, yeah?
They were sharing cookies? What cookies? WHERE? Ronnie wanted some. If she was like a dog or something right now, her ears would be PERKED UP and her tail would be wagging like MAD.... But since she was no dog, she just raised her eyebrows and looked around for the cookies he spoke of. Smiling when she saw them and when he asked if she wanted some, she nodded and took one, taking a seat in the chair next to Jazz. "Oh thank you!" she said before taking a bite. Her eyes widened slightly. "These are delicious! Your mum is a brilliant cook." she said. |