tehee. xD Queen of Typos | The OTHER OTHER Roro | WICKED is Good
She was so curious as to how Olly had any friends at all. Really. Schuyler, too? How did that happen? Surely the badger cast a spell on them all or something. An illegal, evil one for sure. Cassia was just glad she wasn't one of those people. So glad. And they were doing a great job of avoiding each other except for those times were they had to encounter due to mutual friends. And each time Cassia wondered the same exact thing.
Again, the snake ignored the comment. Merlin, ignoring used up lots of strength. And she needed that to chase after kids who broke nets or whatever thing they needed to be chased after for. Maybe she should have turned her back and left, they looked like they were having a good time anyway. Which, on second thoughts was a reason to stay. Let Olly's good time be ruined by her presence. Awesome plan.
"Yeah, that's exactly what got us to think of something to do," she told Józsua. Who was now holding a sandwich that Olly gave him. Cassia made sure not to stare. Did Olly like do things normal and nice people did? Give firends sandwiches and stuffs? Wow, she needed time to register that.
When Olly opened her mouth to say something, the blond prepared herself for the insult or joke or whatever. Oh, a question? An almost civilized one. Because the great was definitely exaggeration and meant to make fun of them. "Just thought we'd think of something fun to do instead of sitting thinking about being trapped in here," Not that people would forget that but hopefully their minds won't be continuously occupied by it.
"Sure, I was meaning to drop by there at some point," At the war that is.
__________________ I may not have the softest touch-----------------------I may not say the words as such  And though I may not look like much -----------------------------I'm yours |