The Kisapaths | Sila!Roti | -2 | TouchableHair | ToiletPaperGuy | QueenOfConfusion Olly considered Józsua for a moment, almost as if trying to figure out whether or not he had in fact looked better with the fairy wings than Abbi. There was a part of her that wanted to point out that it was quite weird for a 17 year old boy to be running around with fairy wings.
But then again, they both knew Józsua was a bit weird.
So in the end she just grinned, shaking her head slightly. "You diiid." Totally. They suited him. "You still have them then?" What a relief. Not really but you know. Olly took a sip of her pumpkin juice, momentarily feeling completely at ease, even though they were standing close to a huge dome filled with butterflies and ridiculous children. But then Cassia happened.
She noted Józsua's look and just narrowed her eyes at him slightly. They rested on him for a moment longer, even when he looked back to Cassia too, while she tried to figure out what to do about it. "Fiiine." Olly even said it out loud, sending a frown at the Slytherin boy before taking another sip of the pumpkin juice. They were here to have a good time. Not to get into fruitless fights with annoying Head Girls.
So when the other two talked, Olly busied herself with checking out the food, picking out two sandwiches and wordlessly putting one into Józsua's hand. The other stayed in her own, obviously. Upon focusing on the Slytherins' conversation again, Olly heard Cassia acknowledging her after all. "Yeaah, chasing butterflies isn't really our thing anyway." She wasn't even going to give the other girl the satisfaction of being offended by the comment. "So how did you come up with this great idea for a Prefect event then?"
Last edited by Lislchen; 07-12-2014 at 05:44 PM.
Reason: oh you poor thing, a runaway "i"...