Yeahhh, Mr White! Yeah science! Quote:
Originally Posted by Lislchen Olly didn't like this being snowed in thing one bit. This idea of a Prefect event wasn't exactly her thing either, though. But seeing as there was literally nothing else to do she'd decided to go anyway. Plus, spending time with friends was a good thing. Especially since she'd neglected to do so a lot this term. So here she was. At the thing. With Józsua. Trying to look like she enjoyed herself. ".......let's go there first."
Yes, there was food 'there'. Or 'here' now since she'd immediately come over to where she'd just pointed. From here they could check out the available activities AND eat and drink something at the same time. Win win, yeah? Maybe there WAS something that looked like fun. Maybe. She hadn't seen anything yet but there was still hope. She was going to be optimistic about this.
Was that......were those energy drinks? Olly frowned at them for a moment before reaching for a cup and filling it with pumpkin juice. Well then. So.. this wasn't really Józsua's idea of a good time—far too energetic for the lad who freely admitted you would only see him running if there was something chasing him—but as there was nothing else to do, and he was feeling lethargic from being stuck indoors 24/7, he decided to attend in the hope it would wake him up a bit.. maybe a little exercise would release a few endorphins, yea? Plus, he had Olly's company which was always more than welcome.
Olly's idea of going to get food first was greeted with a smile and a nod and he started in that direction, glancing over at the butterfly hunting. “Frolicking about after butterflies with a net like a fairy isn't really my idea of fun.” He commented with an amused smile. None of this really struck him as Olly's idea of fun either but yea.. they were here now. He helped himself to a large handful of crisps, picking up a cup with his other hand and holding it out for Olly to fill with pumpkin juice. “So... Paintball? Go-karting?” Which took Olly's fancy?
Actually, both those activities sounded like they could be fun if Józsua could motivate himself to get into it.
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