Text Cut: Jeremiiiah!
Originally Posted by
JennMarie To say he was excited was an understatement. As he walked around the event seeing all that was happening his feet stopped on point at the word "PAINTBALL" Not only was that the best thing ever, Magic paintball, but it was also one of his favorite things to go do with Ana back home. then again back home they played REAL paintball with the air paint guns and the armor and all, it was such fun.
Walking forward he squinted around as he drew his wand out. Thankfully he was wearing clothes he didn't care about much. His eyes scanned the area as he took in the scenery, yup.. he should go over there.... in that ditch, it was perfect. Keeping his wand at the ready he made his way there and rolled into it efficiently.
Yesss.. perfect. Come on paintball friends.
Bevelry Wayne heard about this event in the common room and only one thing stuck out the most. Paintball War. Absolutely so! There was no way SHE was going to go -- what was it? -- butterfly watch. Or whatever it was. She wanted action. Some moving around, get her muscles warm, some adrenaline rush.
So here she was, clad in ripped jeans, boots and a cool jacket. This was a battle suit. It yelled: HISS, GET OUT OF MY WAY. Perfect, no?
Entering the tent she walked around a bit and spotted the most interesting being in here. The Boyfriend. Without as much of a warning and with a smirk on her face, the Slytherin made her way toward him and hopped onto his back.
Yes. Quiet, shy, little Beverly Wayne was currently on her Boyfriend's back. He didn't mind, did he?