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Old 07-11-2014, 11:21 PM   #17 (permalink)
Special Services to the School

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Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom View Post
Caleb needed to make up A LOT of sick work, and he wanted to get it done as soon as possible so he didn't have to WORRY about it anymore. Especially Divination. It'd taken him FOREVERRR to try and make up the notes from class using just his book - this astrology stuff was confusing. He missed the days of Elwood, when most of her lessons just involved GUESSING stuff.

Now he had to make a card. But first - he had to set up shop somewhere. He saw Cutty and Sophie talking at the study tables, and he grinned as he approached and plopped down at the other side of the table.

"Helloooo Sister. Cutty," he said with a nod at each of them before focusing back on the card he was making, whistling to himself as he drew some misshaped hearts and colored them in with red ink.

What were they talking about? Eh, he didn't care. He needed to do his homework and get POINTS. Yes, that was what was important right now. Lotsa points!

"Newell." He greeted in return sounding a bit weaker than usual. One good look at him would reveal a child in the middle of a battling a fever, or worse. It was apparent that Caleb would be well-invested in his studies and that gave Cutty a small sense of ease. This wasn't a private conversation by far, but he thought Caleb wasn't too likely to disrupt them if it would mean tearing too much of his attention away from his points earning spree.

Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post

Sophie could tell there was some sort of thought process going through Cutty's mind. He was way too quiet at first. She rolled her eyes, just because she knew that whatever that thought process was, it was probably annoying. Then when Cutty opened his mouth, she knew it was annoying.

"Sorry," she mumbled. "Mom just says that some guys use it as a form of disrespect is all. Apparently, some guy use it, because they think females are inferior to them." Whatever. Losers. "Just Sophie's fine," she added, in response to his offer.

Sophie turned quickly when she heard the sound of another person. Not just any person, but her own twin brother. "Hey, Caleb," she said. Funny that he should come up right when Cutty asked about him. "Yes, but only little kid stuff before we started Hogwarts--going outside when we were told not to, playing with Mom's wand...stuff like that." Then there was that common room fight, which they weren't exactly told NOT to do, but they still weren't supposed to do it.
He was silent as she spoke. Apparently listening to what she was saying or maybe he was feeling a bit too ill to speak or stop her from doing so. He caught the eyeroll. It was just something Sophie does.

In a rare moment of sincerity, the sickly lil boy replied. "I would never think you inferior to me." To do so would be a grave mistake. Don't underestimate. True, that he didn't think much of her scheming skills, but that alone wasn't enough to make him think she was inferior. It was just something she couldn't do. It was isolated. A side note. Perhaps, though, he would let her think he thought less of her just to drive her a bit mad and entertain himself. She apparently thought enough of the...friendship (?) to tell him what she didn't like. "Least of all fer yer being a female."

Caleb was still the smarter twin, though. But, not for his gender in an exclusive manner.

"Doosit really bother you all that much?" He asked in a sort of fleeting inquiry.
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