Because E won't shut up in my head. He's just passing by. :3 Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
Bluebell Flames.
Why didn’t he think of it earlier? Ethan, clad in his full snowboarding gear made his way towards the dungeons where he is carrying two jars glowing with bluebell flames in it. Since they are all snowed-in, and that he was oh-so-bored, the boy decided to learn new stuff by going to the library and research more about this…magical flame. It’s supposed to produce heat without scalding one’s skin, and the boy thought of producing it and bring it with him in their dorms. Extra warmth for the extra cold dormitories. Yes.
Ethan was alone, and was left to think all by himself as he passed by the dungeon corridor. He glanced up just in time to see Professor Cosgrach’s closed office door. He continued to walk…and eventually slowed down. The Slytherin wondered where the man could be, or if he was doing okay what with the very cold situation they got down under. The third year back-tracked and looked at the Potion Master’s door. Ethan raised one of the jars illuminating the door plate as well as his face which now bore cuts from Flamsteed’s class. “Yep. This is it.” He thought. Ethan pressed his ear against the door to hear…nothing. Maybe he was outside, seeking warmth? Or maybe he’s resting and waiting for the snow to disappear? The third year brought the jar down and looked around. He didn’t want to knock on his door, in case he was taking a nap…or wait outside for him because it was too cold.
Assuming that the potions master was as cold as the rest of them Slytherins, Ethan kneeled in front of his door, ripped a page off of his notebook and wrote a note to Culloden. 'Keep warm, sir. ~Ethan'. The boy placed the note underneath one of the jars, stood up and tucked the other jar under his arm. There. Hopefully he’d appreciate the thought, because Ethan cannot sit still knowing that he owes the man a lot. He’s got a lot to be thankful for really, and maybe a jar of warmth would suffice? Well, maybe not. He took another look around, nodded to himself and smiled. He could make more of the bluebell flames in their dorm, and maybe show Simon how it’s done. Maybe they could also make it green to match their house colour, yeah? Without wasting any more time, the fair-haired Slytherin left the threshold, and continued his way towards the Snakes’ cold pit.
__________________ "It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale. |