mentions Vic and mascots too.. and Langen when she comes Unforgivably Cursed | adultescent Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie Aron still had his three-hundred perfect business face on as his finished up his initial sweep of the stadium checking on Concealment Charms and a few other things before he could sit back and somewhat relax to enjoy the event. Things like these always raised his blood pressure with all the possible ways things could go wrong and the Statute could be breached. Thankfully his department had done their part and charms were holding for the time being.
Not yet pocketing his wand, mostly because he had forgotten that he was still holding it and it had instead become an extension of his arm, he made his way towards the merchandise and tried to remember which side Seren tended to root for so he could get a toddler sized outfit for their son. Perhaps some new shirts for himself, since he currently did not own any, and Seren. They would have more time soon to go to matches as a family and ought to look the part.
He had picked up a Caerphilly Catapults t-shirt in Derfael's size with his free hand when he spotted the G&S department head out of the corner of his eye and sidestepped in her direction. "You and your department have really outdone yourselves. This all looks great," he complimented. Green eyes moved along the length of the display tables. Everything seemed to be in order and those that were assigned to work in this area were doing a fine job of keeping the merchandise in a neatened display. Something she knew would continually get messed up as people looked it over and rummaged through t-shirts and the like to see what they wanted. For now it looked orderly though.
She glanced at the raffle items, her eyes narrowing slightly. There didn't appear to be many signed up for that which rather surprised the Department Head. Certainly if she was not running this event, she'd sign up herself, they were many great prizes to be had. Mariel looked up as she heard Vic. "Appears to be going well so far," she said, sending a small smile in the woman's direction. She had just asked that of Saxon and there hadn't been anything pressing to present itself just yet. Other than a screaming baby and mascots threatening to get out of hand. "Doesn't seem that many are signing up for the raffle though."
As Vic turned to assist one of the pros, Mariel glanced around for Langen. Perhaps she need to speak to the younger woman about promoting the items a little more. She didn't immediately see her but her eyes did focus on the mascots again.. a dance-off or something, perhaps. She internalized a chuckle, but kept watch a moment. They certainly were entertaining but their antics were dangerously close to those broom prizes. She sent them a warning look, they did not want to face her wrath if they broke something. Perhaps a more open area if they were going to carry on.
Mariel began to step that way to make the strong suggestion when she stopped as someone approached. "Aron.." she gave her fellow Department Head a grateful smile at his words. "Well, thank you. We've all worked very hard to make this event a success." She really was so proud of her team. "I do hope you're enjoying yourself.. Catapults fan?" She glanced at the very small shirt in his hands. For his child, obviously. She didn't keep up too much with the personal lives of the other DHs at the Ministry, but she was fairly certain he was married to a teacher at Hogwarts. And she wouldn't ask him directly about the charms around the border, confident that he could do his job. If there were any issues, she was sure he'd let her know.
__________________ started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________  ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
Last edited by emjay; 07-11-2014 at 03:05 PM.