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The older Gryffindor listened as Kevin went on a mini little rant about the crazy Hogwarts professors. Hehe. See, Zander had thought that Kevin kinda deserved that detention. It was kind of much, but the boy was back-talking and all that. Even if Culloden may have deserved it. But messing up the room on purpose?!? Now that was uncalled for. "Wait, what the heck!?! THAT'S CRUEL!" Could they tell Beautiful Bentley and get the potions professor in trouble? That probably wouldn't help the getting on his good side thing though... So no. Maybe they'd keep this one on the down low. Anyways. Astronomy guy petrified Kevin!?! WHAT. Okay. Zander was right about that guy. He was insane. "Flailsteed... I mean Flamsteed, is weird!" Heh. Oops. He had never told anyone about his clever little nickname for the prancing professor.
Then, at the mention of Beautiful Bentley, Zander found himself frozen again. Why'd he have to go and bring her up again!? First the card. Now this. "Uh... uh-yeah-I-yeah" Whut. "Bentley is the best" Awh. And best she really was. Was it getting hot in here or was it just him???
Five seconds?!
Zander had five seconds to make a decision. 1) Tell Kevin the truth or 2) Wait it out and see if the kid was really bluffing, which Zander had hoped was the case, but highly doubted. Sigh, he'd have to go for option one and before he knew it the kid was counting!!
"WAIT KEVIN STOP!" So much for keeping the secret away from the second year. This was bad. This was way beyond bad. "OKAY,OKAY YOU WIN! Happy?" Zander gave the kid a look of defeat as he took in one deep breath. Oh merlin. "I-I was acting weird because I-I think I have a crush on... I think I like--" Hold up. If he actually told Kevin, the boy wouldn't let him live it down. So much for coming up with an alternative plan. He had to make sure Kevin wouldn't tell! Was there even a way to do that? Yo, Kevin be my secret keeper, yo. Nah. Okay. A pinky promise is the next best thing, yeah? "WAIT-- You have to pinky swear that you won't tell anyone!" Though, Zander knew quite well that a pinky swear wouldn't hold him back, it was worth the try, yeah?
Zander thought it was cruel as well!? This was beyond awesome and Kevin nodded his head vigorously. He wanted to rant on some more but then the other Gryffindor said something that made him stop, blink and then LAUGH OUT LOUD.
"FLAILSTEED!" he laughed.
"That's brilliant!" how did he come up with that?
"You know who else is weird? Morgan...you know, the new Divination Professor?" he pointed his finger at the side of his face and twirled it around while whistling.
"Completely loco if you ask me" And speaking of loco, that new Arithmancy woman was on his weirdo list as well. Woman dared to take ten points from him...mweh.
"...2...1..." Kevin grinned. He knew that the count down would work, a simple trick his parents used on him and he fell for it each and everytime. But it felt good to use it on someone else though. He stayed quiet, listening to Zander. He had a crush? ON WHO?! But before he came to the best part he stopped. Kevin narrowed his eyes again. Seriously? that was it? Oh nononono he was not getting away with THAT answer!
Kevin folded his arms over each other and glared at Zander....but then he heard the mention of a pinky swear and he stopped glaring. The third year did pinky swears as well? The young boy seemed confused for a second. He had thought that he had been the only one who did that since the people he had made a pinky swear with (Bentley and Airey) had both looked at him as if he had been crazy.
On the outside, he simply shrugged his shoulders and held his pink finger up. On the inside he was basically going in fanboy mode because he found someone who didn't think it was weird~!
"Now tell!" he snapped.