❅ Purple Lightsaber ❅| | Captain Sarcastic | Quote:
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Turning her focus she saw her boss with Saxon and gave a nod, "Everything going alright?" She knew Saxon was with the food, but she hoped she was enjoying herself as well. Turning she noticed a man that looked very familiar. Oh she had just approved new cards for the tornadoes that's how she knew him. "Mr. Bayless do you need some help?"
Walking closer to him she gave a small smile. "Things for Cinnamon? I feel like I need to get Bart a few things signed, he was a bit upset when I told him about this event." She wondered if he was still mad or if he was even alright. Cameron was surprised that he was having so much trouble holding the items in his hands. He did play chaser after all. He held on to a quaffle for a living. He should be doing much than fumbling around with the things in his hands. He could see it now "chaser drops and breaks souvenirs for spoiled daughter" Stupid gossip magnizes. Not that any of that was real. Except the dropping stuff part.
Aww great help was on it's way. He slowly turned around. Oh good. It was Bart's mother. He chuckled "That would be great. And you don't have it call me Mr. Bayless. You can call me Cam." He returned the smile and handed her the arm full of tshirts and jerseys.
He nodded. "Most of it anyway. Not like she's going to be getting it in the next few days." He hated the idea of no communication from Hogwarts. He liked hearing from Cinna at least once a week. But He couldn't remember the last time he got a letter from her. "I bet he would like that. I could even go get it signed for you." Yeah so the students couldn't even come since they were still in school plus the snow storm on top of it. "I don't even know if Cinna knew about it or not. If she did she would have wanted to come." Since the students didn't get to come. Maybe he would be nice and buy something for this boyfriend of Cinna's. Because he doesn't know a thing about him or didn't even know who he is.
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