Heyoo, Min! We're talking to ya! :3 Arts TRANSPONSTER! Woheeeeey!! Their thing worked!! Loooads of people were coming and Murigen LOVED people!!! "Hello everyone!!" She greeted them cheerfully, never stopping swinging her bat. But! She also LOVED hitting bludgers, so she didn't mind at all when Montague went to deal with the young ones.
That meant she could HIT SOME MOAR BLUDGERS BOOM and there they WENT!!! HECKYEAH.
The Welsh player beamed at how fast the bludger was going and turned just went it hit its target. Those babies' mummy was asking how that worked! Since Montague was still talking to the kiddies, she decided to waaave at the blonde woman over there. "Hey there! You can either try to 'it one of those targets OR you can try an' 'it better than me!" She explained, not realising her intonation was probably a lot more melodic now because she was SO HAPPY to be there. Just to clarify, she was NOT singing, okaay?? HEHE!
But if that lady didn't want to go against her, Muirgen would be okay with that too! As long as she was allowed to keep hitting those bludgers herself if people didn't want to - which she was, mwahahaha - she'd be fine.
The one she hit earlier was coming back because it was charmed to do so, so she tuuurned around and BOOM, THERE IT WENT AGAIN!! Mwahahahahaha!!!
__________________ AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________  Maybe you'll dance, scour the buffet, or end up gossiping talking amongst yourselves!
You're happy to go with the flow and see where the Yule Ball takes you! |