| Avid#JennShipper | Flowers& &Butterflies | LoverOfCupcakes Quote:
Originally Posted by Team ronmione Saxon watched the baby girl squirm a bit and even cry some and felt bad. It wasn't as if this were Saxon's fault but maybe these mascots were the doing. No. They were the doing. Of course anything in a silly costume would scare the living out of someone, a child even worse. Probably traumatized.
The blonde watched the Lucky leprechaun, telling the lady to clean the pacifier as soon as possible. Well, it looked like she had her hands full trying to make the baby feel at peace once again. Should Saxon do it for her? She didn't want to take the pacifier, especially from a stranger but she wouldn't mind helping this person. "Errr, do you want me to clean the pacifier for you?" Saxon asked politely.
"Yeah, I suppose. Poor kids though. Those things sometimes freak me out and I'm pretty old for my young age." She would not be saying her age, ok? Not that Saxon was oooooollllllddddd, she just wouldn't tell a stranger her age. "I hope not. I wouldn't want any baby going to sleep with the thought of bats and bees floating in their nightmares. Terrible." Saxon gave the little baby girl another smile and wave. Maybe she needed something to distract her? Saxon picked up the closest bobblehead, you know, one that didn't look too scary and held it out in front of the girl. The baby might become easily distracted by the bobbling of the head. "Well, that's good. At least he'll be of some help soon enough." Saxon said, giving the lady, who seemed to be somewhat more her age, a small nod. OI! There was a bat now too!?!? Snapping her head from the nice woman she turned to the mascots, "I appreciate your work, i do, but your terrifying my child, Go away." they didn't even get a please or a thank you because now they we're just Annoying her. she clearly didn't come here to see the mascots. Only the players and to possibly see some old faces. Not bats and bees.
Such a nice sweet woman! "oh yes please." she said awkwardly handing it over to her. Maybe Xaria would be quiet with it and the shouting in her ear will stop. "Can you do it twice, too?" not that she doubted her magical abilities but she would do it twice too if it dropped on a unfamiliar floor. Chuckling slightly at her comment she shifted Xaria into a rocking position and rocked her softly as she listened to the girl. "I'm all for their work i just didn't think she'd get so freaked out by them." she looked down at the baby hung onto some of her hair as she usually did when Ari held her. "Her uncle plays for the Aarows so i used this as an excuse to get us out." yes, she was using her child and her godfather as an excuse to get out of the house today seeing as how it wouldn't of happened anyway with how she's been feeling the past six months. It'll be fun to get Xaria's Pictures taken with the players though. a cute memory that she can tease her with for years and years to come. |