Divination HW 1-post 1 C.R.E.A.M | Haitian Sensation | Shark Patronus | Your Huckleberry | T's ClayBaby
Divination was complete and utter hum-dee-hee.
And Cutty loved it. For exactly this reason.
It was, though, at present time giving him cause for worry. Was he meant to work up a present for Professors Hadley & Domingo or Professor Glendower? Or just one of the Aries women or ... all? Being a cusp he figured he'd have a choice, but that maybe Professor Cassie, as she liked to be called, had a something specific in mind for cusps. He figured he couldn't have been the only one.
That was why he was in the library that day, peering through Casting Your Own Horoscope, Astrology for Beginners and at least one massive and purple volume titled Hayes Astrology Guide and The Astrological Almanac 2081 by a wizard called Surnac. He was hoping to find one that could tell him definitively just what symbol of the western Zodiac his birthdate fell under, if all previous information failed. Instead he'd gotten this contradiction idea of a cusp.
Those born either seven days before or after the sun moves into a sign are, for all intents and purposes, considered to be born on the cusp.
It only made him want to test the idea of Divination being 40% hooey and 60% theatre. With the large purple volume opened to the signs, Cutty shut his eyes and blindly guided his finger around until he plopped it down. Whatever he would open his eyes to is what he would claim for the homework assignment and Divination ever after.
Pisces. Professor Glendower it would be then. And it proved to be something he could sense merit in.
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