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Old 07-11-2014, 01:53 AM   #6 (permalink)
Lucky McCharmless
Team Mascot
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Join Date: Jul 2014
Posts: 108

Originally Posted by JennMarie View Post
Ariana was making her way through the event with Xaria in her arms talking to her quietly as the almost 6 month old looked around at all the people and colors and things! Ari looked down as Xaria babbled in what seemed like a questioning tone. Poor girl. this was a lot of people for her.

Shifting her in her arms it only took one look at Barny the Fruitbat to send the baby into pure terror as her Pacifier fell from her mouth as she wailed from the sight of the costume.

"Whoa Whoa Hey you're fine. it's just a costume." At least you know, she hoped. She took a few more steps before she realized Xaria lost her pacifier. "Oh shoot." she turned around on the spot to look for it on the floor.
Bags of gold glintin' an' clinkin'. 'At doffed an' eyes winkin' at every person yer man passed. Yellow K's emblazoned on 'is emerald green back.

It was clear who master mascot was - LUCKY! Lucky, the jammy ol' tink. "Aye, seems ter 'ave dropped sometink 'ere!" Stoopin' ter pick up d'pacifier. "It shall need a sterilisashun." She could do dat with 'er want, casta spell.

The sprog was 'anded a big fat Galleon. Buba's like shiny things.
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