Arts TRANSPONSTER! Muirgen was rrrrrrready to roll!!
With a bright smile on her face and a relaxed, everything-is-fine walk, the Welsh lady swung a bat as she made her way to the Bludger Blasting area. This was boouunnddd to be the most fun part of this entire event!!! They got to hit bludgers and watch them GO!! WOOHOO!!!
The only thing that could be better than this was probably only a Quidditch match, And maybe a pepperoni pizza. Not taht her manager would know this last part, of course. Good job Muirgen was brilliant at keepeing secrets, especially her ownnn.
The 25 year-old spotted a woman already there. She looked familiar... probably a pleayer tooo! "Hello!!" Muirgen waved happily at her. "Ready to start?" She asked, kind of rhetorically. SHE was ready to start, BOOYAH!
She had done her stretchings already, so now it was literally just a matter of... waiting. Which she didn't quite enjoy doing, so she'd keep herself busy by... swinging the bat and getting ready to hit a bludgerrr!
__________________ AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________  Maybe you'll dance, scour the buffet, or end up gossiping talking amongst yourselves!
You're happy to go with the flow and see where the Yule Ball takes you! |