And slightly less important was her job and the signing and stuff, but FOOD. Today was very, very exciting. Because this place had food for them. They even had cupcakes with little, froo-froo bludgers on the top. Perhaps the display was a SMIDGEN GIRLY, but she was in a dress today so she could stuff her face. That was how classy worked.
Math logic'd up in here by the
Speaking of Hogwarts. Maybe she had misread things as she briefly walked by the signing tents-- too distracted by the thought of food, honestly-- but she SWORE she saw a lot of ickles on the list.
They were getting tackled as soon as she shoved all the food in her tummy. And maybe she'd even try to pretend to be just a little bit professional......maybe.....she would have to see because it would depend on how she was feeling and if she got hungry again and also effort. That last one was so important.
But yes. Food eating. That happened.