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Ringo Dylan smiled, watching as the boy suddenly began doing jumping jacks. Probably because it was so bloody cold everywhere. Dylan had been shivering himself earlier. What was with this super cold weather anyways? Hmph. Watching Ethan for a second, he shrugged, and joined in with Ethan. There they were. Two kids who had just met. Doing jumping jacks. Heh. It was pretty rad.
After a while, Dylan got tired so he stopped doing jumping jacks. WHEW. Well, that sure got his blood pumping and he was slightly warmer. It was still too cold, though. Ah, well. Perhaps he'd need to put on an extra scarf or two next time. Seeing the boy look at the gems with interest, Dylan glanced at them and then looked back at Ethan. "Oh they're just interesting to look at. They're purrrrdy." he said with a small shrug. He liked to look at the pretty gems.
"Uh...purdy? What's...purdy?" And...why is it there?
"Is it just a decoration of some sort? Because...you know, they could have scattered the gems across the walls." Weird. But...how come the colors are exactly the same as the house colors? Oh. Ooooooo.
"Does it represent the four houses?" If so, then...why?
Merlin this is confusing. Ethan stared at it for a few good good seconds and started to run in place. The air inside the castle's starting to drop once more and...GAAAH!!! It was starting to feel like they're inside a huuuuuge igloo of some sort. THEN. Then, the gems started to drop one by one for each holder. Ethan gaped and stopped.
"What happened?" he asked pointing.