#1 Arts TRANSPONSTER! Agatha didn't know the answer, but that didn't stop professor Airey from winking at her. Hah. She was totally his favourite! She stood up straighter with her nose up in the air, proud.
The man talked... and talked and talked and talked. Merlin, too much information. But it was time for the practical part. Agatha got a balloon and watched as he demonstrated. It was advanced magic, he said? Oh, great. She was hardly able to do simple spells, let alone advanced magic. Sigh.
Maybe she'd try it first just to see what would happen. She placed he open-end of the balloon on her wand and was about to say the incantation when Airey spoke in a chipmunk voice, making her look up and staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaare at him. What had just happened???? Did that magic do that to them???
Merlin, she didn't want to sound like that!! She waited until some of her classmates did the spell and noticed they sounded normal. Huh... maybe it was just professor Airey's oddness showing again. Fine. What was the incantation again? She read it off the board. "Helic umtus." That didn't sound so bad. But it was conjuration, and that was difficult. "Helic umtus." She said, trying to flick her wand as subtly as the teacher had done. .....Nothing happened. Maybe the wand movement should be less subtle. "Helic umtus." Agatha gave her wand a proper flick. ......Maybe it had been too much now. Sigh.
__________________ AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________  Maybe you'll dance, scour the buffet, or end up gossiping talking amongst yourselves!
You're happy to go with the flow and see where the Yule Ball takes you! |