SPOILER!!: Jasmiiine
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Daydreamer11 Jasmine was enjoying her pie and watched as Lex took a slice of her own. "Yes the pies are excellent. I have had the lemon meringue and it is awesome, second only to the apple pie for me." It was so good, in fact, that Jasmine had to convince herself not o take a second slice.
"Yes, I'm a sixth year. Next year will be my second and last year at Hogwarts.". Saying it out loud, Jasmine found it hard to imagine. It seemed like she had just gotten to school and her first year would be over before she knew it. Her face brightened a bit when Lex suggested shopping for a pygmy puff this summer. "That would be great. I would like that very much, if you have some free time after your trip." Jasmine could already imagine having a puff at school with her next year. Someone to come home to, that would be nice.
Jasmine thought that Lex's "girls' trip" to California sounded like a great idea.. She could imagine how much fun it would be to have a road trip with your bestie. "I'm sure you guys will have a great time, whatever you decide. You could visit one or more of the big three, L.A., San Francisco or San Diego. They're all very different so it depends on what kinds of things you like or want to do." All of this California talk gave Jasmine a sudden moment of homesickness.
So Lex understood about the Beauxbatons thing. "You know I'm not a stranger to being the new girl, but things were different there. That school was just not for me. I left and never looked back." That was definitely the truth. Now it was Jasmine's turn to ask the question. "So what's it like being Prefect?" She was just curious. A lot of responsibility was wrapped up in that title and a lot of power.
This girl had TASTE. Lex found herself nodding despite not having a preference between the two.
"I'm big on desserts in general. Anything with sugar and I'm set for life." And this wasn't even an exaggeration. It was a well known fact the girl was a sugar-addict, one the Healer couldn't cure despite having tried sometime back in her first year.
Op. See. Lex may have been one of the most oblivious but she still picked up on things. This one was new--well not so new anymore but you got the idea. Were the girl in a different house she might have noticed sooner. There was simply just a wariness to be had about Ravenclaws. They'd proven nothing but trouble fo her and her bestfriend. We also notice the face brightening, yes, this basically meant this plan was set in stone now.
"I'll have a lot of free time, period. The summer'll be two and a half months and the trip is only for a week. We could probably meet for ice-cream then get it done." Ice-cream was a summer must and it felt good not seeing someone cringe at the word, though she didn't blame the others...that had been a traumatic term....
Of all the cities Jasmine named, Lex was taken by the sound of L.A, mostly because she felt like she'd heard it before. Perhaps one of those places her father had gone for business and taken her back something nice from.
"I'll suggest those names to Lottie, it'll help with the planning. Which do you suggest?" Lex asked curiously, ignoring the kneazle that crawled his way into her lap and swiped the slice of turkey she'd been feeding him. The girl used to live there, her opinion was greatly appreciated.
Lex nodded, taking another bite of her pie.
"I can understand that." Not the being the new kid part, because back then her whole year had been new and she hadn't transfered since, but just Beauxbaton not being right. At the mention of being Prefect her eyes lowered and she spent what might have been a long time just stroking her kneazle's fur before offering a response.
"It's great, you know, at first. Calling all the shots, being in charge...until you realize how much you fail at it and suddenly it's just a heavy load on your chest that you can't shake even after locking your badge in your trunk." But that was just her. Surely the others would offer up a more...er...hopeful outlook!