Thread: Broom Trials
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Old 07-05-2014, 10:39 PM   #1 (permalink)

Pygmy Puff
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Default Broom Trials
Unforgivably Cursed | adultescent

Graphic courtesy of Charely Potter

What would Quidditch be without brooms? An open, airy end of the stadium has been reserved for this staple element of the game to accommodate the attendees and professionals alike. Three different types of brooms are available to try out for first-hand experience.
  • Did you bring your kids out for the day? A cordoned off area is available for them to try out brooms especially for the youngest fans. Toy brooms for the littlest ones, these hover a few feet off the ground, traveling in a predetermined path. Or for the slightly older child, Junior Quidditch training brooms are available to ride, traveling higher off the ground and allowing the youngster to steer, though it's been charmed to stay in the specialized area for today. A cushioning charm has been placed on the ground in the immediate vicinity to prevent any injuries.

  • Submitted to the Ludicrous Patents Division of the Magical Games and Sports Department, an invisible broom, in its development stages and being regulated through the department, is being unveiled today to the public. Appearing as an ordinary broom for flying, this broom makes the rider and broom invisible while riding it. Be one of the first to test out this experimental broom. A tracking charm has been provided to keep it within the walls of the stadium.

  • Courtesy of Quality Quidditch Supplies, be the first to test out a state of the art racing broom before it's even on the market! The Windsweeper has been specifically designed to maintain it's speed and power through tough and strong winds, unlike other brooms that have failed to do so in the past. The wood, which is made of a dark brown iron wood, is also equipped with an anti braking charm, allowing the wind resistance to be at it's best. Yet it is also designed in such a way that turning and speed will be as powerful as, if not better than all well-made racing brooms. Techniques have also been added to the broom's tail, where the twigs have finely been selected and designed to have them maintained long and well.

Step up and take a test ride on one of the newest brooms not yet on the market! Or let your child have fun on one of the kiddie brooms.
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________

______________________don't you worry I'll be fine
_________________________________________________you were good for the plot line

Last edited by emjay; 07-09-2014 at 02:29 AM.
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