Graphic courtesy of Charely Potter
The Autograph tent is where eager sports fans get to come in and meet their favorite professional Quidditch Player. If you enter the tent from the left side, you will find that it has been set up with long tables and signs with the team names and logos. Teams from the Appleby Arrows to the Holyhead Harpies are on this side of the tent and they are set up in alphabetical order so that you can find your favorite team or player easily. The players are sitting under their team signs behind the tables waiting to meet their fans, sign an autograph, or take a quick picture.
Once in the tent, follow the signs to the start of each team's lines. Once it’s your turn have your item out for the player to sign and your camera ready if you’d like a picture. When you are done with one player feel free to go to as many as you’d like while in the tent just follow the signs for the next line. Or head out to the other side of the tent to find even more teams and players happy to greet their fans. If you need some assistance, a Games and Sports employee would be glad to assist you. You can find them easily walking around wearing a name badge that says Magical Games and Sports.
Some of the featured professional Quidditch players and affiliates at this side of the tent include:
Appleby Arrows Maximus James, Keeper
Dylan Montmorency, Seeker
Ballycastle Bats Nia Newtington, Chaser
Jack Fritzera, Seeker
Kalla Ogden, Reserve Beater
Caerphilly Catapults Esme Whittebrook, Chaser
Muirgen Tupper, Beater
Chudley Cannons Rapunzel Black, Chaser
Falmouth Falcons Oliver Greenwood, Chaser
Richard Turner, Chaser
Xavier Baltazar, Owner
Holyhead Harpies Isobel VonHue, Chaser
Selina Skylar, Beater
Sierra Greingoth, Beater