Activity 2, Post 1 Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Shrinking time!--Or no, not shrinking technically if you wanted to be all herbological about it then Bonsai-ing....which actually didn't sound all that legit either so she'd just stop thinking about it and actually get to work. Unlike everyone else she'd have to be working on three. The way she saw it, she could practice on one and if it didn't work she could quickly vanish it and pretend she always had two, yeah? They only needed one and now she saw another benefit to taking extra.
Before such sacrifices had to be made however, Lex needed to get the spell down. That incantation...just...who the hell sat down and thought it up? It was SO unnecessarily long and she bet the guy died right after hitting the last syllable. Good thing this wasn't a defensive spell. Could you imagine trying to cast? You'd be expulso-ed by the second word. "Parveus Minori Minimus...Par-ve-us Mi-no-ri Mi-ni-mus...Parv-eus Mino-ri Mini-mus."
Her tongue could get used to this...eventually. If not, she had two plants that were disposable so long as the Professor wasn't watching. "Parveus Minori Minimus."
__________________ Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said. |