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Tegz He glanced at Mo since the Ravenclaw was chattering right next to him. Chattering with cold that was. "You want for me to charm your robes to keep warm?" Because that was what West had done and he had less body fat to keep warm than Mo did.... and since the blue bell flames that Bellaire had cast wasn't enough for him? Yeah.
"Y-yeah, mate," Mo agreed. It was something he could do for himself, but it was unlikely he could do it well at this point. Plus West was offering, and sometimes it was nice to let your friends do things for you when they offered rather than insisting on doing everything yourself.
Something he had to do for himself? Cast the spell and get more than one measly flower at a time, like West just had. And maybe work on doing it non-verbally, although Mo had a lot more luck with non-verbals when he knew the ins and outs of the spell. Maybe he'd just start with the multiple flowers and move on from there.
What flower would he like to see a bouquet of? Lilies, maybe, since those were Cat's favorite flowers, and the clean and bright lines would look really lovely in ice. He drew a circle with his wand as he spoke the incantation, "
Orchideous Stiriacus!" The first lily came easily, and then the second and third before Mo lost steam. Or feeling in his fingers. Pretty, though, and with just a little droop to the heads that made them look that much more realistic.