SPOILER!!: Mysterious knocking and card leaving!!!
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This assignment was probably the most embarrassing one he had ever made. And if the other option hadn't been writing an sort of essay he wouldn't have done it but...points. From what he had heard throughout the school was that Gryffindor was finally and possiby winning the House Cup. And Kevin did like winning.
With his 'valentine's card' hidden in his robe pocket, Kevin walked to the office of his Head of House. He was glad that he didn't have to go outside in the freezing cold and that her office was close by the common room now. He was also glad that Bentley happened to be his matching sign. Merlin's beard he didn't want to know what would happen if he had to make a card for someone like Culloden. The boy shuddered at the thought.
When he arrived, he made sure to look and see if anyone was there. But upon seeing no one he walked towards the door. He took the card out of his pocket and placed it on the floor in front of the door. Then he placed an empty ink bottle on top of it to secure it and then
knocked SLAMMED his hand on the door a couple of times before he turned around and left the area.
No way he was staying when she looked at the
card . This was embarrassing enough!
Loud noises!!!! ..... were disrupting her letter writing! ....
Seren's eyes darted to the door where the
knockingslamming was coming from, and for a brief moment wondered if the sound had been made by design or if someone had tripped, hit their head and pounded on the door in an effort to get back up?...
There was only one way to find out.
Pushing herself out from her seat, Seren replaced her quill on its stand and approached her door, pealing it open and peaking outside.
Taking a step out, Seren scanned the corridor, but to no avail and was about to concede and head back inside, when something caught her eye.
"Oooohh.. that's not odd," she mused to herself, taking up the empty bottle and the card. A card!
She read it all the way back to her desk, the door closing softly behind her. How sweet. So very sweet... even if it was a little awkward. That was a card she would treasure for a very very long time. Thank you Mr. Hirase.