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Old 07-02-2014, 11:51 PM   #72 (permalink)
Casey O

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Join Date: Jun 2012
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Admiratrice des Maraudeurs | C-Rizzle | THE Best Snuggler

Well, whoops. Marigold hadn't finished her notes by the time Hadley walked past her desk, so she just scribbled her remaining three muggle to wizard analogies down. They were the simple ones.

SPOILER!!: Notes
1. Electric fireplace=flame conjuring spell
2. Treadmill=walking
3. Car=broom/floo/apparation(transport)
4. Cellphone's texting capability=really fast owls?
5. Air conditioning=cooling charm

Once that was done, she raised her hand to answer the question. "The speaker is where sound comes out." Good for music. Yus.
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