Originally Posted by
the fastest seeker
She'd just left the owlery after having sent a later to her brother, when Cassia decided that it was still early to get back to the common room. She knew she had a couple of essays to finish but that was just another reason to not return just now. She had been putting off this trip to the owlery for a while now. Not only did she not enjoy meeting with her absolutely vicious owl but also she kept forgetting bringing the later with her when she was in the seventh floor. And going down just to fetch it never seemed like a choice. However, not it was done and she was glad it was. It's been a while since she wrote to her brother.
The snake wandered around aimlessly not knowing where to head. Surely the grounds was not an option. Not with this weather. So maybe a warm place, she thought. Since she wasn't that far in the first place, she found herself entering the kitchens. A lovely place to be in actually. Smell of delicious food and a warm place to be. Seemed like a perfect place.
Slowly the seventh-year made her way to the fireplace. The corridors she'd been walking in weren't the warmest so she could use some heat. Plopping down near it, Cassia stretched out her arms and spread hands but didn't get them too close. She didn't fancy getting herself burnt. What would people say.
Yeah that was kind of boring, wasn't it? But hey, she wasn't alone. Noticing a fellow snake sitting near, Cassia tilting her head trying to remember if she knew his name. She certainly knew him from around but didn't recall being told his name or even introduced. Just when she thoughts she knew all the snakes. "Hey, what are you reading?" He didn't mind a chat, did he?
RUN JONAS! RUN! thought Simon, internally panicking as he read the next couple of sentences. He let out a sigh of relief when the character made it to his destination.
Was he..? He was about to start reading the next chapter when he realized that someone had joined him. Simon's eyebrows raised someone had asked him what he was reading. He peeked up from the book and found that the someone was the Head Girl herself.
Oh hi. I'm not doing anything bad- I swear, he thought as he grinned.
Oh? She was asking about the book. He slipped his bookmark into the page that he'd gotten up to and closed it gently. "
I'm reading The Giver by Lois Lowry. It's a really good novel. It's my third time reading it. I've sort of run out of novels from home," he explained with a nod. He needed to find something new to read now, didn't he? But what? Sure, he could spend hours in the library reading about the Wizarding World but some of the information concealed in those textbooks weren't very...
relaxing. Some of the information was stressful too read. Sometimes a boy just needed a good book to read. "
Have you read this book? If not, you're more than welcome to borrow it."
I've seen you around the common room a couple of times. You're the Head Girl, right? That's awesome," he said. Becoming Head Girl must have been such an honour. He was sure that she must have also worked her butt off during her younger years. "
I'm Simon Holden. Third year. New transfer!" Yep.